
1. Bader RS, Redington AN, Somerville JS.
The use of self-expanding stents in stenotic aortopulmonary shunts in adults with complex cyanotic heart disease. Heart 1999 Jul; 82 (1): 27-9

2. A Shaabat, R Bader, A Alhazmi, M Farouq, S Jaber.
Imipenem/Cislastin safety and efficacy in neonate. Journal of Arab Child (JAC) 1999 Dec; 10(4): 601-607

3. Bader RS.
Long-term results of balloon pulmonary valvoplasty in 100 neonates and children (in Saudi Arabia),
Saudi Heart Journal (SHJ) 2002 Jan; (10): 54-57

4. Bader RS.
Percutaneous pulmonary valvoplasty for the relief of pulmonary valve stenosis in children: Does the technique affect the long term results?
Saudi Heart Journal May 2002

5. Bader RS, Chitayat D,.Kelly E N ,Ryan G , Smallhorn J F., Toi A, Hornberger L K.
Fetal Rhabdomyoma: Prenatal diagnosis, Clinical Outcome and Incidence of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
J Pediatr. 2003 Nov; 143(5):620-4.

6. Bader RS, Querishi SA, Anderson D.
Extended Aortic arch anastomosis in complex aortic coaractation
(Accepted for publication by the Egyptian Heart Journal)

7. Bader RS.
Fetal Echocardiography: Prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart defects. Preliminary experience at King Abdul Aziz University Hospital, Saudi Arabia.
(Accepted for publication by the Egyptian Heart Journal)

8. Bader RS.
Antenatal diagnosis of heart disease: Indications, limitations and outcome.
(Accepted for publication by the Saudi Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology).

9. Bader RS, Perrin D, Yoo SJ
Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries with Epstein’s Malformation and Hypoplasia of the Aortic Arch in a Fetus. Fetal Pediat Pathol, 23: 257-263, 2004

10. Bader RS, Goldberg L, Sahn DJ.
 Risk of sudden cardiac death in young athletes: which screening strategies are appropriate? Pediatr Clin North Am. 2004 Oct;51(5):1421-41.a

11  Huhta J, Quintero RA, Suh E, Bader R. Advances in fetal cardiac intervention.
Curr Opin Pediatr. 2004 Oct;16(5):487-93

12. Li X, Ashraf M, Thiele K, Bhat AH, Sakaguchi R, Mitchell JC, Brie JA, YoungM, Bader RS, Pemberton J, Sahn DJ.   A novel method for the assessment of the accuracy of computing laminar flow stroke volumes using a real-time 3D ultrasound system: In vitro studies.. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2005 Dec;6(6):396-404. Epub 2005 May 31. 2005 May 28;

13. Bader R, Hornberger LK, Nijmeh LJ, Al-Kazaleh F, Ryan G, Toi A, Viero S, Butany J, Chitayat D.   Fetal pericardial teratoma: presentation of two cases and review of literature. Am J Perinatol. 2006 Jan;23(1):53-8.

14. J, Chitayat D.   Fetal pericardial teratoma: presentation of two cases and review of literature. Am J Perinatol. 2006 Jan;23(1):53-8.

15. Bader RS. Fetal Tetralogy of Fallot(TOF): an update. Accepted for publication in Saudi Heart  Journal  2007

16. Bader RS .Abnormal  cardiac finding in prenatal sonographicexamination : an important indication for fetal echocardiography? Accepted for publication in Saudi Heart   Journal  2007

16. Bader RS How can Cardiac management by pediatricians versus pediatric cardiologists in an inpatient academic center vary? Accepted for publication in Saudi Heart Journal  2007

17. Bader RS . Do prenatal intracardiac echogenic foci affect postnatal cardiac function ? Accepted for publication in Saudi  Heart Journal  2007

17. Bader RSز Children with Chest Pain presenting to a  pediatric cardiology services  or emergency dept in an academic centre Accepted for publication in Saudi Heart  Journal  2007
18. Bader RS .Basic Knowledge of the clinical applications of pulse oximetry technology among pediatric health care professionals. Accepted for publication in Saudi Heart Journal  2007

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11/8/2008 9:06:12 PM