
1. Bader RS. Long term results (10 years) of balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty in 100 Saudi neonates and children (in press),
2. Bader RS, Hornberger LK, and Huhta JC: Perinatal cardiology handbook-in print (Elsevier publisher). .First case oriented handbook in this new and important subspecialty.

Current 3 Dimensional and Tissue Doppler Projects

1. Assessment of Fetal ventricular volume and mass using live 3 dimensional Echocardiograph in structurally normal and abnormal  hearts

2. Assessment of Fetal Aortic arch ismthus dimensions using using live 3 Dimensional Echocardiography

3. Looking into normal and abnormal Fetal rhythm using tissue Doppler technique.

Last Update
11/8/2008 9:09:48 PM